Whether your staying in town or visiting family this Thanksgiving,
Ocean Experience is offering a unique, all-inclusive
Thanksgiving Baja Adventure that you’ll keep with you forever. Our point break surf ranch features full accommodations with hot showers, clean lodging, round trip transportation (including airport pick-up and drop-off) and delicious meals at Baja Surf Adventure’s safe and secure location. Ocean Experience will customize an instructional curriculum and trip itinerary as well as provide guided tours and side trips for all groups. Our experienced staff will show you to the best surfing, kayaking, fishing and snorkeling Baja has to offer.
Join us for our comprehensive ocean-training program and enjoy a cross-cultural surf experience, Baja style. Increase your Ocean Experience today!
Trips Includes
Surfboards, kayaks, wetsuits, all lodging, hot showers and clean bathrooms, all instruction delicious healthy meals and drinks*, T-shirt and Trip DVD, and Safe secure facilities. *Restaurant means during travel days not included
Trip Dates
3-Day Trip: Friday - Sunday, November 27 -29, 2009
5-Day Trip: Monday - Friday, November 23 - 27, 2009
7-Day Trip: Monday - Sunday, November 23-29, 2009
Trip Rates
3-Day Trip: $475 p/person
5-Day Trip $795 p/person
7-Day Trip $1,115 p/person